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 Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory Empty
MessageSujet: Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory   Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory EmptyMar 20 Fév 2007, 13:07

Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory?
February 20th, 2007 at 10:30 by Stuart Heritage

On Saturday Dancing On Ice had a country theme because there were seven dancers left. Magnificent Seven. Do you see? We'd have rather they all chopped off their legs at their knees and had a Snow White theme, but that's just us.

Seriously, how is the sight of Philip Scofield going "yeehaw" in a stetson during an advert for Dancing On Ice supposed to inspire anything other than millions of people setting their TVs on fire and hurling them against a wall? Because we'd love to know. And what was with the ensemble Dancing On Ice line dancing routine? What'll next week's theme be? Dancing On Ice goes basket weaving?

Anyway, while we take deep breaths to try and calm ourselves down, here's part two of this week's Dancing On Ice betting odds to win - for Claire Buckfield, Duncan James and Kyran Bracken - with help from Paddy Power…

Claire Buckfield - You always know what you're going to get when Claire Buckfield starts a Dancing On Ice routine - a million spins, backflips and cartwheels that'd have most people heaving their guts up. That's not what we got on Saturday, though - on Saturday's Dancing On Ice, Claire Buckfield decided to drop the stunts to show some heart. And she even picked a song - Crazy by Patsy Cline - that made her burst into tears every single time she heard it, just to prove how emotional she was. On the whole, though, Claire's Dancing On Ice routine was fairly underwhelming, especially since she fluffed her required element so badly that even we noticed it - and we're crap at that kind of thing. In the end Claire Buckfield's Dancing On Ice score was 22 - and she ended up in the skate-off - so she'll probably go back to flipping herself around like a bastard next week. Current Dancing On Ice betting odds - 4/1

Duncan James - It was already looking like a good week for Duncan James from the moment he stepped onto the ice, purely for the reason that his puffy haircut from last week had been lacquered down into something a whole lot less shit. Having been criticised by the Dancing On Ice judges last week for his sludgy speed on the ice, Duncan James spent his week being chased around on skates by one of the judges. Shame it didn't pay off, though - Duncan's Dancing On Ice routine to Rhinestone Cowboy was so lethargic that the music finished about 90 minutes before the routine did. Having said that, the routine did contain a couple of nice lifts and gained him his best score so far - 24.5. And it doesn't matter - Duncan James would have to jam the end of his blade into his throat and spend his entire dance rolling around the rink frothing blood over Holly Willoughby for all the screaming Blue fans not to vote his through each week. Current Dancing On Ice betting odds - 4/1

Kyran Bracken - Kyran Bracken spent almost the entire week of his training for Dancing On Ice pretending to fart on Jane Torvill. For this alone we've decided that he probably deserves to win Dancing On Ice - the fact that he's easily the best natural dancer in the competition is completely secondary to that. Because - let's face it - for all of Claire Buckfield's showboating, Kyran is the best dancer. For a rugby player to be as impossibly good as Kyran Bracken has shown himself to be is little short of a miracle. His whole Dancing On Ice routine to Rawhide was razor-sharp - incredibly synchronised and full of dainty little leaps and twirls. And fart jokes too. Ace. Current Dancing On Ice betting odds - 4/5
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory   Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory EmptyMar 20 Fév 2007, 13:30

hé bé sont simpa eux a dire que la soirée de samedi était quasi nul que le théme n'allait pas avec les tenues trop balnche a leur goût que le pas de danse de Philip Scofield au moment de la pub n'a servis a rien
qu'il y' aurait que 3 potentiel gagnant sur 7 (Claire Buckfield, Duncan James et Kyran Bracken)

Claire Buckfield- alors elle apparement elle est sans surprise toujours a faire des pirouettes et autre a vous retrourner les viséres
apparement ils sont déçus de sa prestation de samedi parcequ'elle a voulu faire autre chose (vaudrais savoir se qu'ils veulent)
sinon il dise qu'elle va surement se planter samedi vue que son score était cette fois-ci de 22.

Duncan James- por lui se fut une bonne semaine surement due a sa coupe de cheveux laquée et non gonflée comme la dernière fois
aprés s'être fait mal jugé la semaine passée par un juge au niveau de sa vitesse il s'est défoncer cette semaine pour prouver qu'il était capable de mieux faire
il dise que malgrès la musique pas trés bien choisit il on obtenue le plus haut score encore jamais obtenue 24.5

Kyran Bracken - il a passé sa semaine sur la patinoire a s'entrainer
ils trouvent sinon qu'il mérite de gagner
il dise que c'est le meilleure danseur en compétition
il dise que c'est exceptionnelle qu'une joueur de rugby puisse se débrouiller aussi bien que lui
il dise que sa prestation était bien : incroyablement synchronisé et plein de petits sauts et pirouettes savoureux. et sa tenue verte était plustôt bien aussi
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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory   Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory EmptyMar 20 Fév 2007, 13:41

Merci pour la traduc ....
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory   Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory EmptyMar 20 Fév 2007, 13:42

de rien Sourire
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Specialist Blue Fan
Specialist Blue Fan

Nombre de messages : 2563
Age : 33
Localisation : frontignan
Emploi : chomage
Loisirs : faire la fete!!!!!!!!!!
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2006

Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory   Dancing On Ice Betting Odds: Kyran Bracken Farts To Victory EmptyMar 20 Fév 2007, 19:34

merci merci content Langue
de tte facon c duncan ki devré gagné!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Youpi
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