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 Le chat de ce matin ...

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Le chat de ce matin ...   Le chat de ce matin ... EmptyVen 20 Jan 2006, 13:03

j'y ete je l'ai vu mais apparament mes question n'était pas assez interessant il m'on zapper ... :(

Le chat de ce matin ... Sanstitre8eg1

Find out what made Antony Costa jump in the jungle when he joined us for a live webchat
Zsanett from Hungary: Hi Antony! How are you? I have seen your videoclip and I think it's really great. Although I am very sorry that Blue broke up. I would like to ask if you plan to come to Hungary in the near future? Best wishes for your solo career!

Antony: Yeah, I'd love to come to Hungary. It's a place I've never been before.

Aussie_Becci: Hi Ant! How did you enjoy your time in Australia when you were here for I'm a Celebrity? Loving your song and the vid!!!

Antony: The best experience of my life and I'd love to live in Australia one day. Thanks for liking the song.

Maggie: You are looking really well. Have you been going to the gym!?

Antony: Yes, yes, thank you for the compliment. I hope you keep well. I've just been eating healthier. My management make me run behind the car when we're on the road!

Bex: Hi, Ant. how are you today? You are looking well! What a brilliant performance that was and I am loving the new single! Do you plan to tour at the end of the year? All the best.

Antony: Thanks for liking the song, I co-wrote it. It's my dream to do a couple of dates later on in the year.

Lil: If you were stuck on a deserted island and you were only allowed three items, what would they be?

Antony: I'd take a lilo, CD walkman and some swimming shorts (budgies mate! For all those in Oz).

xxtazzaxx: I love your new single - it's brilliant!

Antony: Hello Tazza, thanks for liking it. Keep up the support.

Amy: Hey Ant, oh my lord I can see you haha! Loving the new single are you planning on doing any signings?

Antony: Yes. I've got one on the 6th February in Manchester and one in Glasgow on the 7th February - both in HMV.

Shelly: Hi Antony, your diehards are outside freezing their butts off! Will you stop and say hi?

Antony: Of course I will! I gave them some tea this morning to keep the cold out!

Ranim from Syria: I want to tell you that I love you very much and I'll keep supporting you until the last minute of my life. I want to ask you - do you have any plans for making concerts in the Middle East? Please say yes!

Antony: Yes of course. I'd love to come over, I love the Middle East.

Antony: A big hello from everyone logging on around the world. Thanks for taking the time to chat!

Crazy Costa Crew: Your goin down, your goin down, Spurs are goin down. Sorry Ant couldn't resist it! Love ya really x

Antony: We've got a nose bleed being above you - we're so high up the table!

Lil: Which artist would you consider doing a duet with?

Antony: Robbie Williams or George Michael... I'd love to do any song with them.

Lizzy_NZ: C'mon Ant give us a smooch!

Antony: Any day darlin' - ha ha

beckstar19: How was your Christmas and what was your new year's resolution?

Antony: My Christmas was really nice thank you. Chilled with family and friends. And my NY resolution is to be happy and work hard.

Star: What is the best thing about being solo?

Antony: Just being able to perform the songs that I've taken so long write and produce...

Alenchik: Hi! What was the most scary moment in the jungle?

Antony: Having an eight-foot python under my bed!

Tess: What are you up to for the rest of the day?

Antony: Working! A couple of interviews, bit of telly...

Masuma: What have you been doing for the past year?! How come you waited so long to release a single?

Antony: We did the UK Blue tour last year! I just wanted to get the music right!

Sammie: Hi, Ant would you ever get back with the boys and do another song?

Antony: Yeah, I would love to... But we're all working on our solo projects just now.

Sarah: Please come to Dubai! We all love you over here, you have zillions of fans over here!

Antony: I love Dubai. I'd love the place, let's hope you like my solo stuff!

Tara: Hi Ant I was wondering if you have any tips for singing?

Antony: Get a vocal coach and they'll help you. It depends what level you're starting from...

Heni from Budapest: How often do you keep in contact with the other boys? Love you lots x

Antony: I speak to the boys as often as I can. They're all really really busy and doing well.

Liz Mellor: Who was your best friend in the jungle? Thatch looked quite formidable... Did she come across as quite posh, or salt of the earth?

Antony: I made loads of friends in the jungle and Thatch is great value for money. Sid, Jimmy, Bobby and Sheree were the people I would say I bonded with most.

Kerry: What's your best memory in Blue?

Antony: Travelling the world and meeting loads of fans.

Blondie: I read an interview with your girlfriend Adele, and it was really cool. What are your plans for the future? Do I hear wedding bells?

Antony: Good question. We're both really happy and enjoying each other's company.

Maggie: Can you give a wave to my daughter Heather? She still thinks you are going to marry her and we had tears before school because I wouldn't let her stay off!

Antony: Hi Heather, if she works hard at school her dreams might come true.

Alicia: Adele's got a beautiful singing voice – are you two going to sing together? It would be brilliant.

Antony: We're not planning to do a Kylie and Jason... But maybe a Richard and Judy. Ha ha. Thanks for your concern.

Mia_Aussie: Ant can you blow me a kiss? Pretty please?

Antony: There you go!

Fran: What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?

Antony: There's been loads... My jeans were really baggy on stage, I didn't have a belt and mid-dance they fell off!

*Katie*: Have you kept in touch with any of your jungle friends, if you have, who?

Antony: Yeah, I have. We all went out for Sid's birthday the other day. I keep in touch with all of them.

Amy: What is your favourite book?

Antony: Martina Cole - The Take.

Martine: What was the last movie that you've watched?

Antony: The Producers and it was really funny...

Shelly: If you could do a cover version, what would it be?

Antony: George Michael's Praying For Time

Stacy: Would you say you are an outdoors man or a guy who loves the privacy of his own home?

Antony: Yeah, I like the outdoors. I don't own wellies though.

Ant fan: Who is your favourite singer of all time?

Antony: George.. When I met him I was so starstruck. He was lovely.

Charli: i just wanted to say thank you because I was in hospital when I was 15 and suffered a stroke. Blue's music kept me going.

Antony: I'm glad to hear we kept you smiling.

Caroline: What was the most amazing thing a fan made for you? Do you ever receive unusual gifts from fans?

Antony: In Thailand a fan made some clay dolls of us. I tend to get lots of Costa mugs from Costa Coffee!

Tanya: You've done it all and now it feels like you're just beginning! Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

Antony: Hopefully still doing what I'm doing. I'll be 34... getting on by then. Should be having kids as well as performing - and still loving it!

Antony: Big thank you to everyone today. It's nice to see that I've got fans all over the world. Keep up the support and enjoy Antony Costa's journey. Thank you. Lots of love - Antony xx
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Re: Le chat de ce matin ...   Le chat de ce matin ... EmptyMer 07 Mar 2007, 15:22

pt'in il a répondu pas mal quand même cheers
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