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 Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...

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5 participants

Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyMer 07 Mai 2008, 20:35

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' after crashing car while he was kissing girl, court hears .

Citation :
The 25-year-old ex-Blue star is accused of
hitting Naeem Ibrahim up to three times when a row broke out after his
fiancee drove into the back of his cab. Ryan was due to stand trial
today but the case could not proceed as Mr Ibrahim was in India and
could not attend court.
An application by Ryan's barrister to have
the case dismissed was rejected by magistrates sitting at Redhill
Magistrates' Court, in Surrey.

The court had heard how the
former pop star was a passenger in fiancee Samantha Miller's Ford Ka on
New Year's Eve last year when he leant over to kiss her. The car then
struck the back of Mr Ibrahim's people carrier carrying a couple and
their child, which was waiting at traffic lights in Oxted, Surrey.

Oven, outlining the prosecution case to the court, said Ryan, from
Bickley, south London, got out and an argument ensued when Mr Ibrahim
asked for the driver's details. He said Ryan was "immediately
unhelpful" and then became aggressive, telling Mr Ibrahim: "Why do you
want my details? There is no damage - I am not going to pay for it."

Oven said, according to the complainant, he tried to give Ryan his pen
and pad to write down his details. He said as he looked down at his pad
Ryan punched him once or twice and he fell on to his car leaving him
"shocked and dazed".

One of the taxi passengers said he saw
Ryan twice push Mr Ibrahim in the chest and he ended up in the middle
of the road, Mr Oven told the court.
According to his statement,
the passenger said when the taxi driver pushed him back, Ryan punched
him three times to the side of the head, causing him to fall to the

The court heard Mr Ibrahim later went to hospital and
suffered a bump behind his ear, the magistrates were told. Raymond
Lewis, defending, told the court how Ryan had been in the "extremely
successful" boyband which split up, had a string of number one records
and had sung with Elton John and Stevie Wonder.

He said his client had been "devastated by the charge against him" and had bent over backwards to assist the authorities.

said his case was that Ryan, who was on his way to mother's for dinner
with his fiancee on the night in question, punched him once in

He said that Mr Ibrahim later claimed he had suffered whiplash as a result of the accident.

details of his arrest were made public, Ryan was sacked from a
"prime-time" ITV Saturday night show in which he was due to appear in
six episodes, Mr Lewis told the court.

He said that Mr Ibrahim
had only notified the police at the "11th minute of the 11th hour" on
Monday that he couldn't attend to give evidence and his client would be
leaving court with the matter still hanging over his head yet again.

Chair of the Bench Marie Jeffrey said it was the magistrates view that
Mr Ibrahim should be given another opportunity to attend and adjourned
the case for a further hearing on May 15 when a new trial date will be
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyMer 07 Mai 2008, 21:51

hé bé c'est bien compliqué tout ça quand même ange1

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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyMer 07 Mai 2008, 21:52

très compliqué mdrrrrrrrrrr
Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... 91 de rien !
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Mega Blue Fan
Mega Blue Fan

Nombre de messages : 1880
Age : 34
Localisation : Alsace
Loisirs : ecouter de la musique + lire ls fic
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2007

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyJeu 08 Mai 2008, 14:08

Quelqu'un pourais me traduire où me dire l'étentiel s.v.p et merci d'avance.
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Nombre de messages : 253
Age : 36
Localisation : aix
Emploi : etudiante en droit attention ca rigole plus lol
Loisirs : ciné et blue
Date d'inscription : 20/03/2006

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyVen 09 Mai 2008, 18:53

j'avoue que j'ai un peu du mal a tout saisir Embarassed quelqu'un pourrait il eclairer ma lanterne s'il vousp lait???
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyVen 09 Mai 2008, 19:41

j'vous fait sa demain les filles
sauf si quelqu'un d'autre veut le faire Ange2
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Nombre de messages : 253
Age : 36
Localisation : aix
Emploi : etudiante en droit attention ca rigole plus lol
Loisirs : ciné et blue
Date d'inscription : 20/03/2006

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyVen 09 Mai 2008, 20:11

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Mega Blue Fan
Mega Blue Fan

Nombre de messages : 1880
Age : 34
Localisation : Alsace
Loisirs : ecouter de la musique + lire ls fic
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2007

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptySam 10 Mai 2008, 20:02

ha se serais sympas de ta part Lise merci d'avance
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyDim 11 Mai 2008, 11:22

dsl les filles j'ai pas pue le faire hier

donc voilà en gros se que sa dit (biensur je peut me tromper sur certain point j'suis pas bilingue non plus Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... 91 )

donc sa dit que Lee s''est rendu au tribunal pour son audiance
Ibrahim (le chauffeur de taxi) lui n'étais pas là parcequ'il était en vacance en Inde
donc les charge retenue contre Lee sont qu'il aurait donner trois coup de poing au chauffeur et qu'il l'aurait violement poussé
tout ceci serait survenue a cause d'un accrochage cosé par Lee
Lee lui serait rentré dedans alors qu'il embrassait sa copine tout en conduisant (on lui a pas dit a l'auto école de tjrs regarder la route Ange2 xd ) donc aprés sa le ton serait monté entre les 2 hommes
un des témoins de la scéne dit que Lee aurait donner les premiers coup
alors que Lee dit qu'il s'est défendu alors qu'il esquivait un coup que voulait lui porter le chauffeur

du coup l'audiance est reporter au 15 mai puisqu'il faut que le chauffeur vienne donner sa version

sinon sa dit aussi que quand l'affaire a éclater en Janvier
Lee s'est fait viré d'une émission dans laquelle il devait apparaitre plusieur fois

voilou les filles content
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Nombre de messages : 253
Age : 36
Localisation : aix
Emploi : etudiante en droit attention ca rigole plus lol
Loisirs : ciné et blue
Date d'inscription : 20/03/2006

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyDim 11 Mai 2008, 17:29

eh beh dis donc!! oui en effet faut regarder la route au lieu de se becotté alalala
en tout cas merci pour la traduc!!
et j'espere que ca va s'arrangé pour lui!! s'il cherche una vocat qu'il m'appelle lol
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Mega Blue Fan
Mega Blue Fan

Nombre de messages : 1880
Age : 34
Localisation : Alsace
Loisirs : ecouter de la musique + lire ls fic
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2007

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyDim 11 Mai 2008, 19:34

merci beaucoup Lise pour la traduction et c'est pas grave que tu n'as pas pu la mettre hier.

Carement il va au tribunal non mais lee il faut regarder devant soit et pas embrasser sa copine tu as tout le temps pour le faire à la maison ou autre part, mais pas quand tu roule.

Voilà c'est sa qui cause des accidents et en plus tu en viens au main non mais incroyable. Hop qui dit que c'est pas le chauffeur de taxi qui a commencer sa on c'est pas enfin bref faut faire attention à la route.

Encore merci pour la traduction.
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyDim 11 Mai 2008, 19:54

de rien les filles
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Nombre de messages : 451
Age : 35
Localisation : [| Bulle dans Un dragibus|]
Emploi : Collectionne les Arbres.
Loisirs : Papoter. Ecrire. Lire. Musique.
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2008

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyLun 23 Juin 2008, 14:34

'jfais pas de nouveau topic parce que ca parle de la meme chose, mais en voila deux autres^^


et >> Former boyband singer Lee Ryan faces court for allegedly punched a taxi driver in the head during a "road rage" incident.

The 25-year-old ex-Blue star is accused of hitting Naeem Ibrahim up to three times when a row broke out after his fiancee drove into the back of his cab on New Year's Eve last year.

The incident is said to have occurred at traffic lights in Oxted, Surrey.

[Source: UK Press Google]

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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyLun 23 Juin 2008, 14:38

merci hi.
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyLun 23 Juin 2008, 14:41

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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyLun 23 Juin 2008, 17:45

Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Nombre de messages : 451
Age : 35
Localisation : [| Bulle dans Un dragibus|]
Emploi : Collectionne les Arbres.
Loisirs : Papoter. Ecrire. Lire. Musique.
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2008

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyLun 23 Juin 2008, 18:03

et beh ca fait bien parler de lui tout ca! mercii^^
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... EmptyLun 23 Juin 2008, 18:47

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MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ...   Lee Ryan 'punched cabbie in road rage attack' ... Empty

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