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 Female First

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Female First Empty
MessageSujet: Female First   Female First EmptyLun 12 Avr 2010, 19:29

Fan Questions
Lee Ryan answered a couple of the questions you’d sent in during his day at FF HQ, see if yours made the list.
#1: Becky
“Will you be doing a tour in England, Lee? And if so, will you give your fans (like me) a chance to get backstage passes?”
Yes and definitely be setting up comps for fans
#2: Helen
When will you be touring next?
At the moment I’m on a promo tour then looking forward to summer gigs
#3: Maggiecarlson
Actually I have a question to Lee: Why did you change your style? What
or who made you doing that? What happened that you immediately came
back with a new style?
I changed my style because the first solo album wasn’t really me as I
didn’t write the tracks myself . I think you will prefer this album
#4: Alexa
hi lee your still looking good lol x. so what made you come back and are you changing your sound of music??
Thanks a lot. I wanted to get back in the industry because I have more
to say. The sound of the music has moved on to a better place from the
last album
#5: Céline
(don’t know if he is going to read this but whatever) Are you going to
come in France? Cos you have a lot of French fans! Hope so… x Sorry if
i made mistakes.. =x
I love France and I cant wait to go to Paris…maybe I could sing at Disneyland…what do you think ?
#6: Bernadette Khoury
“When will you have Israel in your tour list of countries for us fans of you in here? We would LOVE to have you here!!”
I would live to come to Israel but I don’t know when yet
#7: Kat
How painful would you say your tattoo on your wrist was?
I have a passion for music which you helped me develop so I want to get something like that done!
I want to meet you as well , come and see me soon . All Tattoos hurt but get a treble clef is cool
#8: Blue Army!
Hey Lee, How has becoming a father changed you and does it influence your songwriting and career decisions. X
Hey Blue Army being a father has changed my life and it does influence
my decisions on a day to day basis considering all aspects of my career
and life.
#9: Emily Stevens
Hi Lee, Would you like to be in a musical such as Duncan has done in Legally Blonde? If so which musical and why?! Love Emily xx
Musical theatre isn’t really my thing, but if I had to choose I would play Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar
#10: Melody
Hey U coming to sunny Wales XX Melody
Hey, I’ve just been in Wales doing radio promo and will be coming back very soon
#11: Sarah
Your Bunna Zoot album was amazing, are you gonna keep up a similar
sound or is it going to differ totally from what we know from you so
I love the Bunna Zoot album, I’ve taken names of the songs and put them
in Confessions my new album , you’re gonna love Confessions
#12: Mathi
Hey Sweetheart! Are you in any new film project? How was the acting experience in a film? X
I’ve got lots of film projects on the go and I absolutely LOVE acting
#13: Raphaella
Will you go in a world tour????? PLEASE I WANT YOU IN BRAZIL!!!
I will be promoting this album around the rest of the world, that’s all
I know so far but I cant wait to visit different counties in Europe and
#14: Raphaella
What do you think about Brazilian music??
I love everything Brazilian, I’m nuts about it !!!
#15: Linea
Lee is an amazing guy…i love his new songs…4ever Lee is the best….
Thanks for the support, love you too , glad you like the new song
#16: Sebina
What do you feel to sing before millions of people that sing all your songs with you?? Female First Icon_smile
Unfortunately I never see you to sing in a live concert. My big dream (for seven years) is to sing with you!!!
I love it when I’m in a concert performing and the fans sing back to me
, it’s the best feeling in the world . Come and sing with me in concert
v soon!
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Nombre de messages : 396
Age : 35
Localisation : Au pays des merveilles
Emploi : Euh glandeuse professionelle ^^
Loisirs : Lire, Ecouter de la music, Loisirs créatifs, Mes chiens, Sorties entre copines...
Date d'inscription : 06/07/2007

Female First Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Female First   Female First EmptyMer 21 Avr 2010, 19:26

Oh, il va peut-être venir à Paris pendant sa tournée =D Bon j'habite un peu loin mais s'il vient j'irais obligé ^^
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