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 Duncan James has the answer

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Duncan James has the answer Empty
MessageSujet: Duncan James has the answer   Duncan James has the answer EmptyVen 30 Avr 2010, 10:53

Duncan James has the answer 5wb285
Duncan James hosts new game show Scream If You Know The Answer, which begins on Watch on Sunday May 2.
The premise is simple; two teams – a celebrity and member of the
public in each – go head to head answering simple quizzes. The twist –
and there are lots of them – is that they must do so while riding
Thorpe Park’s many rollercoasters.
Have you thrown up yet?
No, they wanted me to do Vortex. It’s a ride which moves around and
it spins, the first day I had to do it twice and I was horrifically
ill, I felt as sick as a dog and I said to the producer, ‘I can’t do
that twice in a row, it’s horrible’ and then the next day is when we
had Katie Price on here. That’s the ride she went on before puking up
in a bush. It’s a horrible ride!
Are you a rollercoaster fan?
I used to be but I think you get to the point when you’re doing them
over and over, you start feeling a bit sick and then you go, ‘Actually,
I don’t want to go on that one again’. I think the reason I was feeling
sick on them was because I was reading questions. You know when you’re
in a car and you’re reading a book or something, you feel sick. I was
trying to concentrate while I was being spun, that was the hard thing
for me.
Did you refuse to go on any?
Well I had to stop going on Vortex because it made me so ill,
because I used to have to do that ride straight after lunch. When Katie
went on it and puked everywhere I said, ‘I’m not going on that’
What was she like before that?
I know she gets a bad press but I’ve got to say she was brilliant.
She was very professional, she was bang up for it, and was a lovely
polite person. She made time for everyone and I’ve never ever seen that
number of paparazzi in my life, they’re just everywhere. I was on a
ride with her and there was one in a bush, one in the another bush, one
here, over there, hundreds of them! And they just don’t leave her
alone, ‘Katie! Katie!’ the whole time. Of course, she is a bit like a
freak show in that everyone stops to stare at her. Alex Reid was here
as well so it was quite a, ‘look at us together’ kind of thing. I
actually felt quite sorry for her getting that attention but I don’t
know whether she enjoys it or not.
Was she a good contestant?
We wondered if she was going to be a diva or if she’d be wanting her
make up touched up every five minutes but there was none of that, she
was just really gung ho, really cool and she was a great contestant.
Was anyone else particularly good or bad?
Jennie Bond was actually quite hilarious because I didn’t really
know Jennie so I didn’t know what to expect. I thought she might be a
difficult one but she wasn’t, she was lovely, she was very much what
you saw in I’m A Celebrity… She was up for anything and I take my hat
off to her because she was being hurled around up and down, all over
the place and she was like, ‘I’m fine, it’s fine, it’s all fine!’ and
she went off and did it.
Did she swear?
She did swear. I think she said, ‘Oh f***’. She sounded quite funny when she swore.
Did any of the guys wimp out?
No it’s funny. Amir Khan was actually quite quiet, and he’s a boxer
and a world champion, he was very quiet on some of the rides, I think
he was nervous. And Kyran Bracken, he’s a big rugby player and he was
quite quiet. It’s funny, they’re giving it large then you put them on
the ride and suddenly they go very quiet.
Amir was actually quite quiet, Katie, she was just up for having a
laugh really. She was like an adrenaline junkie, she wanted to go on
more and more all the time, she was like, ‘Let’s go on this one, let’s
go on that one!’ So even on their lunch break they were off together
going on all the rides.
How did Alex handle the rides?
I think he just does what he’s told, doesn’t he!?

Duncan James has the answer 15dqss4
Who did you like on the show?
I really enjoyed Cleo Rocos, she was one of my favourite contestants
because she’s exactly what this show’s about. The terror on her face
was just brilliant, she was shaking, having this big meltdown, she was
really going through it and really genuine. Anthea Turner was really
scared too, she threw up as well, in a bin, that was after Vortex as
too. But she managed to find a bin to put her head in while Katie just
found a bush.
Are you generally quite a daredevil?
Yeah. I love extreme sports. I remember I went to Australia with
GMTV and they asked me if I’d jump out of an aeroplane at 15,000 ft
which I did and that was pretty extreme. I don’t really have any fear
it’s just being spun that I don’t like. I’m fine up and down but when
you put a spin into it it’s like, ‘no, not good’.
Were any of the celebrities a bit divaish?
No, I’ve got to say, every single person was really lovely there was
not one celebrity I didn’t warm to, they were all really lovely,
especially Katie, Jennie Bond – these ladies with big personalities
were lovely.
You’ve got a natural presenting style, when did you realise presenting was going to be a second career for you?
When I was in Blue I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to do
little bits and bobs with presenting. We split in 2005, but because of
the things I’d done, I got to go into another area and I could still
work. When you leave a band, your security blanket goes and you feel
you don’t have that protection around you, that machine. Lots of people
don’t continue to get work but I’m lucky that I have, what with
Chicago, Legally Blonde and the presenting stuff and hopefully Blue
will get back together again. There’s talk of us getting back together
to do something. We went to New York actually last year and recorded
some tracks which sounded fantastic but again it’s trying to tee up all
four of our diaries. Lee’s got a solo single coming out, Simon’s in LA
working on something and Anthony’s doing a musical, we’re all just
trying to fit it back together. If it works, if it comes back round I
think we’re all up for it but we’ll have to wait and see.
[Source: InsideTV Aol]
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Nombre de messages : 396
Age : 35
Localisation : Au pays des merveilles
Emploi : Euh glandeuse professionelle ^^
Loisirs : Lire, Ecouter de la music, Loisirs créatifs, Mes chiens, Sorties entre copines...
Date d'inscription : 06/07/2007

Duncan James has the answer Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Duncan James has the answer   Duncan James has the answer EmptyDim 16 Mai 2010, 21:16

Wow trop long à lire et en anglais donc pour plus tard, mais merci ^^
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Duncan James has the answer
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