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 Simon Interview

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Simon Interview Empty
MessageSujet: Simon Interview   Simon Interview EmptyDim 01 Avr 2007, 15:05

Ex-boyband members who decide to carve new paths as solo singers rarely make the grade or achieve commercial victory. But for every Gary Barlow from Take That there is a Robbie Williams, just as for every Stephen Gately from Boyzone there is a Ronan Keating. When it concerns the British pop-R&B group Blue, the one member who managed to successfully make the crossover to adult contemporary pop is Simon Webbe.
The 26-year-old recently released 'Grace', his second album in as many years and has so far notched up a handful of Top 10 and Top 20 hits.
Webbe agreed with me that it was his songwriting that proved more superior than the rest of the ex-Blue members' which paved the way for greater critical recognition for him.
He also proudly added that his songs have helped people through some tough times.…

Webbe: "I met a woman in Hong Kong and she said her husband died and that my song ‘No Worries’ was kind of like her rock through her grieving stage. A grown woman like her, you know, takes solace in my music.
OK, it’s good when you have loads of screaming girls running after you and saying that they love you and stuff like that, which is a crush.
But when you have an adult who has been through life, been through lots, been through all the ups and downs, turns around and says your music, your lyrics, the melodies are absolutely amazing - that boosted my confidence in a way that has never been boosted before, because it’s always been about Blue.
So previous to that, I never looked at myself as a solo artist or even thought about it. So for her to say that to me, that gave me the inspiration to get on with it and write ‘Grace’."

Now that Webbe – a single father of a 10-year-old girl – has put his boyband days behind him, are the days of taking off his shirt well and truly over? I posed this question to the hunky singer..

Webbe: "Hell no! (Laughs) Hell no, I'm still taking my shirt off, babe. I’m an entertainer, you know at the end of the day.
I’m going to try use all my assets to the best of my ability and give the ladies what they want. It’s entertainment at the end of the day.
Sometimes I don’t feel confident taking it off but when they shout, “Get it off!”, and I’m there well, I’m gonna do it!"

Britain is still reeling from the Celebrity Big Brother reality TV incident some months back when Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty was the victim of alleged racist abuse. I asked Webbe what he thinks of the whole fiasco…

Webbe: "I just think certain people in the house - not meaning Shilpa - I just think some people aren't educated and haven't educated themselves in people skills.
Some people are ignorant and think they can say things that aren't gonna offend people because they may believe in their hearts it's not racist.
But that's just lack of education and I just think it's disgusting that it was allowed to happen. And I think people will get what they deserve, I strongly believe that!"
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 38
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Simon Interview Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Simon Interview   Simon Interview EmptyDim 01 Avr 2007, 16:42

hé bah ça va c'est plutôt un bon article quand même
fin pour lui surtout

merkiki danse
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