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 Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues

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5 participants

Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues Empty
MessageSujet: Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues   Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues EmptyJeu 03 Mai 2007, 19:17

Why happily Simon's still singing the blues
Sarah Walters
2/ 5/2007

WHEN Simon Webbe broke from massive boy band Blue, people were surprised to find him making a bid for solo stardom.

"People don't realise I wrote All Rise, Blue's first hit, and Fly By and that I had 46 per cent of Blue's writing credits," says the 28-year-old Manchester boy as we talk about life after Blue. "I don't know whether people just didn't want to believe it."

It's two years on from Simon's departure and he still misses the old Blue `team'.

"All my life I've been a team player; coming from a sporting background, so joining Blue was second nature to me because it was a team thing."

But it's not for altogether altruistic reasons. "When you're in a team, you're not the only one getting the blame when things go wrong," laughs Simon.

"I'd say that being in Blue has been my training ground into stepping into solo territory. Looking at the history of boy bands and the solo artists that have come out of them, you can count them on one hand: Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, Robbie Williams, Justin Timberlake and George Michael.

"When I thought of it like that and I was offered a record deal, I thought, `I dunno man, I'm never gonna do as well as any of these guys'. But then, I've been number one in Germany and Holland, and No Worries has been in the top 10 for 41 weeks in Portugal. I'm breaking territories Blue didn't even break."

Solo life, then, is proving to be a better move than Simon ever anticipated, netting him a multi-platinum album and arena gigs up and down the country. And yet, he's still humble about his origins, even with millions in his back pocket and a string of wise business investments to boot.

Chicken legs

"I'm just this boy from Manchester thinking, 'How come it's happening to little old me?' When I was younger, I used to have a pot belly and these chicken legs - bwwckk," he squawks.

"I do feel blessed. Coming from Moss Side, people have got to do things that they don't wanna do just to survive; I've gone out there and I'm telling my story."

His words have come from the mean streets and many refer to his difficult teenage years in the suburbs of Manchester. Musically though, says Simon, his roots are harder to pin down.

"Musically, I was never inspired - life inspired me - but I've always been melodic. In my house, the radio didn't work so there was no music. I used to walk past the TV and Top of the Pops was on, and I'd hear a melody and end up humming the tune but make it into my own. I wouldn't know the words and not remember the melody, so I'd hum something similar.

"For this album (Grace) I suppose I turned towards Bill Withers because he gave me pictures when I'd listen to him, like Lean On Me or," he pauses before breaking into song, "Just the Two of Us, or Lovely Day. He inspired the last two albums."

Album three is already in the pipeline and Simon says the only way to get a sneak preview is by going to his MEN Arena show on June 9. He adds: "If there's any rockers out there, they'll enjoy my rock section. Ever since I did the cover of The Killers, I've decided I like doing rock tracks. And since I'm coming home to the MEN it's only right I do Oasis' Wonderwall. I'm doing Supermassive Black Hole by Muse too.

"I'm not a one trick pony - I don't want people thinking they're just going to get No Worries; they will get that, but there's gonna be an up-tempo section and there's definitely going to be a Blue medley."

Simon Webbe plays the M.E.N. Arena on Saturday, June 9. £23.50. Call the Box Office on 0870 060 1768 to book or click here .
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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues   Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues EmptyJeu 03 Mai 2007, 21:34

Merci bounce
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Specialist Blue Fan
Specialist Blue Fan

Nombre de messages : 2563
Age : 33
Localisation : frontignan
Emploi : chomage
Loisirs : faire la fete!!!!!!!!!!
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2006

Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues   Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues EmptySam 05 Mai 2007, 10:09

dsl de vs fair chier ac sa mé si kelkun pe vite fé la traduire!!
sinon c pa grav!!!
merci content
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues   Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues EmptySam 05 Mai 2007, 10:15

j'te fait en gros par rapport a mes souvenirs

alors il disaient que pour lui Blue avait été une grande expérience de vie
et que c'est tout naturellement qu'il est entré dans le groupe
au départ il se voyait pas du tout chanteur solo pour la simple et bonne raison qu'étant enfant il faisait tjrs parti de groupe

il dit aussi que les gens on du mal a réaliser qu'il a écrit All Rise le 1ér tube du groupe et Fly by

aprés il dit que sa carrière solo fonctionne plutôt bien contrairement a se qu'il aurait pue imaginer
il est dans le top des classement de plusieur pays (contrairement a ses camarades)
voila en gros le plus intéressant
ensuite il dit qu'il a un concert de prévus "MEN Arena show on June 9"
et surtout qu'il pense déjà a son 3éme album

voilou la miss
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Specialist Blue Fan
Specialist Blue Fan

Nombre de messages : 2563
Age : 33
Localisation : frontignan
Emploi : chomage
Loisirs : faire la fete!!!!!!!!!!
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2006

Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues   Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues EmptySam 05 Mai 2007, 10:19

merci merci merci merci pr la traduc
bon bah ke de bonne chose!!! content
il per pa de tem lui nivo music!!!
tu me dira tem mieu pr ns!!!! Langue content
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues   Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues EmptySam 05 Mai 2007, 10:26

attend la meilleure c'est qu'il fait partir des chanteurs les mieux payés d'Angleterre
il s'est fait environ 6 million
preuve qu'il vend plus que bien
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Specialist Blue Fan
Specialist Blue Fan

Nombre de messages : 2563
Age : 33
Localisation : frontignan
Emploi : chomage
Loisirs : faire la fete!!!!!!!!!!
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2006

Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues   Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues EmptySam 05 Mai 2007, 10:36

ah oui kan mm c pa rien!!!!
tt juste le chomage de france!! lol!
c t ironik bien sur!! :P
ma foi jcroi ke jvé faire chanteuse!! lol!
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Nombre de messages : 150
Age : 33
Localisation : quelque part ds le 47
Emploi : lycéenne
Loisirs : ciné,musique
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2007

Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues   Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues EmptySam 05 Mai 2007, 18:36

merci bounce
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Blue Fan
Blue Fan

Nombre de messages : 692
Age : 39
Date d'inscription : 04/04/2007

Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues   Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues EmptyDim 06 Mai 2007, 01:08

Merci hi.
Ah ba il bosse dur c'est cool Youpi et puis je lui souhaite que ça continue hein
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Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues   Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues Empty

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Why Happilly Simons Still Singing the Blues
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