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 Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Empty
MessageSujet: Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album   Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album EmptyVen 09 Avr 2010, 15:34

Hi everyone its Lee here!!
So, where have I been, what am I doing?? Well, I have been on
radio tour promoting the new single “Secret Love”, and I really hope
you like it!!?? It’s out on the 3rd of May.

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Lee-ryan-013-1024x682
Pretending to listen to my single for 'effect'

Not only that but I have a new film coming out the 16th of
April called The Heavy. It’s my first film staring Gary Stretch, Vinnie
Jones, Christopher Lee, Shannon Sosamon, Sadie Frost, Steven Rea any
many other stars. I play a character called Rubin who is a cheeky
chappy but a bit of an annoying gangster. I really enjoyed playing this
part and there’s a great scene where Vinnie Jones tortures me – really
cool, yet disturbing!!

It’s really crazy having a single out and a film at the same
time, I’ve been away for 4 years and then suddenly I’m back and with
lots on!! But at the same time, I’m really proud of my album
“Confessions”. mainly because my first solo album wasn’t really mine, I
didn’t write any of the singles and only wrote a couple of the songs on
that album.

On this album I wrote all of it bar a few of the tracks so this
album I own one hundred percent and if it doesn’t do well, at least I
know I put my heart and soul into it and it was mine.

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Lee-ryan-027-682x1024
Just chilling at FemaleFirst

The record itself is about me and my thoughts and who I am, I
feel a bit misunderstood sometimes as many of us in this world normally
do, and I feel like there a few songs that talk about some issues that
I’ve always wanted to say. I’m proud of the work I’ve done and I hope
you like it!!!

JLS also put it up on their Twitter that they like the my new
single!! (thanks guys) I cant wait to show you what else is on the
album, and it’s not a dance album by the way – despite the vibe of the
first single – it’s a diverse album and there are some cool funky
tracks and some amazing ballads that I think you will love as much as I
loved writing and singing them.

But, for all you Blue fans out there don’t fear! A Blue album
is coming!! I just wanted to get this album out first so I could do
what I should of done with the last solo album, I kind of consider this
my first.

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Lee-ryan-008-1024x682
Doing a better job at answering the phone than FF's staff

Blue are gonna make an amazing album and we are gonna come back
strong! All the guys are behind me with my album and really love the

So finally, thanks for all your support through the years!! Go
see the film and tell me what you think and let me know what you think
about the song!!!
I’m really nervous!!!!

All my love Lee x x x x
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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album   Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album EmptyVen 09 Avr 2010, 15:44

Checking out this single for the first time, I’ve got to tell you guys, I completely love it.
The main guy, Will Anderson’s vocals are awesome, as are the
lyrics. I really think I could listen to the whole album given the

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Lee-ryan-012_04,10
In terms of marketability, I really think this is a track that could do well, although I’d like to see them perform live before I put my money where my mouth is.
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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album   Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album EmptyVen 09 Avr 2010, 15:44

Lee Ryan Reviews : Kaci Battaglia - Crazy Possessive

Today 15:00

I’ve got to be honest before we begin this review, the only reason I
wanted to listen to this track is because the girl looks hot on the
front of the cd!
I don’t even know if the girl on the cover is the girl I’m
listening to, I assume it is, and with the in mind, upon first listen
it’s Britney Spears who springs to mind in terms of likeness.

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Lee-ryan-014_04,10
It’s defiantly aimed at a younger - perhaps female - audience,
as the lyric states, “ Call me crazy, I know you are but what am I?”
Not really my choice of music, but she is hot!!
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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album   Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album EmptyVen 09 Avr 2010, 15:45

Lee Ryan Reviews : One Republic - All The Right Moves

Today 15:00

One Republic can never really do wrong in my eyes, I love Ryan Tedder as a writer! He is so talented and has a way with words that you often don’t see.

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Lee-ryan-001_04,10
He is amazing, as is this song… I love his lyric in the verses and cant wait to hear the new album to see what else is to come.
Ryan and the band have proven that there is far more to them
than Apologize, which was obviously a huge hit from their last record.
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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album   Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album EmptyVen 09 Avr 2010, 15:46

Lee Ryan Reviews : Alex Gardner - I'm Not Mad

Today 15:00

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Alex-gardner-digital-02

Alex Gardner - I’m Not Mad

Alex Gardner is the new kid on the block and up until today, I’d never heard of him, but I HAD heard some great stuff about him from other people.

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Lee-ryan-007_04,10
He reminds me of a male La Roux, whilst in some places sounding rather like The Kooks
I‘m, not being informed that he has been compared to the legend Marty
Pellow, but to be honest with you, I feel he lacks the soft tone that
Marty so effortlessly masters. I’m not 100% sold on this yet. But I think that it could be a grower, so watch this space.
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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album   Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album EmptyVen 09 Avr 2010, 15:47

Lee Ryan Reviews : Sarah Blasko - We Wont Run

Today 15:00

Ok, now I love this type of sound.
I’ve never heard of Sarah Blasko either (FemaleFirst are introducing me to all kinds of new music today) but she have very Norah Jones meets Eva Cassidy tones which echo in the tails of her melodies.

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Lee-ryan-029_04,10
The simple production on this song really leave her voice bare to shine and I am loving this!!!

Source de tout ça : Par lee sur facebook
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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album   Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album EmptyVen 09 Avr 2010, 16:09

Pour celle qui ne comprennent pas et qui ont la flemme de lire lol Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album 91 Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album 91
voilà en gros ce que j'ai compris pour le premier articles .
Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album 5

En gros , il dis qu'il a fais la promo de son single " secret love" et espère qu'ont aimera . ça sort le 3 mai . Il parle de " The Heavy" qu'il sort le 16 avril etc. Qu'il a été absent pendant 4 ans et que soudain il es de retour avec beaucoup de choses . Et qu'il est très fier de son album " confessions" tout particulièrement parce que pour lui son premier album solo n'était pas vraiment le sien . Qu'il a écrit quelque singles etc. et que là avec ce nouvelle album il a tout écrit ... qu'il y a mit son cœur et son âmes et c'est le sien . Que dans cette album il y a mit ses pensées ce qu'il est et que parfois comme beaucoup d'entre nous il es incompris dans ce monde et donc y'a quelque chansons qui parle de certains problèmes qu'il a toujours voulu dire . Il est fier du travaille fais et espère que ça nous plaira .

Il dis aussi que c'est un album diversifier et pas que de dance comme "secret love' qu'il a hâte de nous le faire entendre , il y a des pistes cool funky des ballades extraordinaires
il pense qu'ont aimerai autant qu'il a aimer écrire et chanter .

Mais il rassure les fans de Blue ... Un album de Blue est a venir . Il voulais juste faire cette album en premier .
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album   Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album EmptyVen 09 Avr 2010, 17:51

huhu trop bien
deux album héhé c'est pas noël pourtant
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Nombre de messages : 396
Age : 35
Localisation : Au pays des merveilles
Emploi : Euh glandeuse professionelle ^^
Loisirs : Lire, Ecouter de la music, Loisirs créatifs, Mes chiens, Sorties entre copines...
Date d'inscription : 06/07/2007

Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album   Lee Ryan Blogs About His Comeback Album EmptyVen 09 Avr 2010, 21:54

Oh, j'suis trop pressée. Vite faut que je demande une carte de crédit pour commander sur le net xD
Merci pour les infos.J'pensais que son film était déjà sortis depuis le temps qu'on en entendait parler.
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