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 Dunk's third DOI blog

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4 participants

Nombre de messages : 451
Age : 35
Localisation : [| Bulle dans Un dragibus|]
Emploi : Collectionne les Arbres.
Loisirs : Papoter. Ecrire. Lire. Musique.
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2008

Dunk's third DOI blog Empty
MessageSujet: Dunk's third DOI blog   Dunk's third DOI blog EmptyMar 29 Jan 2008, 15:33

Duncan: Sam lacked passion


Published: Today

Hello again and welcome to my third Dancing On Ice blog.

First of all I’d like to talk about Michael Underwood. How gutting for him to have to leave the competition - and with a broken ankle.

I feel really sorry for him as it must be so frustrating. I’d have been devastated if it happened to me last year. Michael was so entertaining on screen as well, so it’s a big loss to the show.

New girl Zaraah Abrahams was very impressive. To come in week three and be that professional was great. She must have been nervous, but she pulled it off. Plus it was great see Frank back on the ice again and crashing out in week one!

I don’t think Samantha Mumba had a good routine this week. I could see she was in pain as well, so that obviously affected her. Steve deserved to win the skate off because he really went for it and gave his all. I think Sam could have done a lot better, plus she looked like she’d given up before the skate off had even begun. It was week three and she really needed to up the game. She didn’t and that's why she was voted out. There was no passion in her performance.

Most improved skater this week was Greg. He really tried hard and had a hunger for success in his eyes. His lines were much cleaner and he was smoother on the ice this week. Plus the James Bond theme obviously agreed with him!

It was good see Aggie out of the ostrich outfit and looking beautiful. Aggie and her partner have a really strong connection and I enjoyed watching her perform for the first time. She may not be the strongest skater but was a pleasure to see her on the ice this week.

I loved the feud going on between Karen and Jason! It was really nice to see Karen sticking up for what she believed in. She is usually so quiet and nice to everyone, so it was great to see her get a bit of a bee in her bonnet! Jason and Ruthie are judging from a different point of view as they're looking at performance. Karen is from a very different world to Ruthie and she’s looking at the skating.

I think Karen is fed up with Jason and Ruthie not recognising that some of the celebrities are actually improving their skating week on week. It is a skating show after all!

I agree with Karen that Suzanne is the most technical skater. Generally the routines are a bit easier for the women as they get lifted up and thrown around. However the stuff Suzanne is doing is exceptionally hard. Last night she proved how technically strong she is. We’re gonna see a lot more from Suzanne over the next few weeks I’m sure, she’s an ice star in the making. Suzanne is definitely my new tip to win the competition!

Well that’s it until next week.


source Dunkinet.^^
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Nombre de messages : 10044
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

Dunk's third DOI blog Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dunk's third DOI blog   Dunk's third DOI blog EmptyMar 29 Jan 2008, 15:37

merci bicoup
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Nombre de messages : 10661
Age : 39
Localisation : Nord 59
Loisirs : Lecture / Musics / Series / Films etc...
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2005

Dunk's third DOI blog Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dunk's third DOI blog   Dunk's third DOI blog EmptyMar 29 Jan 2008, 15:39

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Nombre de messages : 402
Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 23/10/2007

Dunk's third DOI blog Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dunk's third DOI blog   Dunk's third DOI blog EmptyMer 30 Jan 2008, 20:02

merci beaucoup Very Happy
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